12 week gut repair program
As a holistic practice, we understand that healing begins in the gut. Effective absorption of nutrients and elimination of waste and toxins is paramount to overall health and wellness. Many aspects of our modern lifestyle can damage the lining of our guts, such as stress, processed food, drugs, and toxins in our environment. Gut health is integral to just about every aspect of wellness, including neurotransmitter production, hormone balance, and immune system function. Gastrointestinal dysfunction can contribute to many issues. What we are not properly digesting, we are not absorbing. Over time this can lead to chronic nutrient deficiencies, which affects hormonal health. Using objective data from functional labs, we can bring the body back in to balance using targeted nutrition and supplements.
Book Your Complimentary Consultation & Learn More
You may be a great candidate for a gut-healing protocol if:
You have unexplained weight gain.
You have low energy levels.
You are experiencing acne, or other skin problems.
You are experiencing hormonal imbalances, such as painful periods.
You are experiencing digestive issues, such as GERD, food intolerance, or IBS.
You are done with quick fixes and ready to gain a deeper understanding of your body.
View our various gut repair coaching program tiers below.
Five coaching sessions with Kelsey, where we will examine an in-depth health history intake questionnaire, identify problems and barriers to success, and clarify personal goals.
Individualized 12-week supplement protocol based on lab results.
10% Discount on recommended gut repairing supplements. (Purchased separately)
Functional Testing includes:
Individual pricing to be discussed during free 15 minute discovery call with Healthier’s gut repair health coach.
Optional add on to any 12-week plan:
$10 vitamin injections for the duration of the program.
Option to purchase discounted personalized supplements.
$200 4-day Food Journal Review and Macronutrient Analysis with recommendations to follow
Five coaching sessions with Kelsey, where we will examine an in-depth health history intake questionnaire, identify problems and barriers to success, and clarify personal goals.
Individualized 12-week supplement and diet protocol based on lab results.
10% Discount on recommended gut repairing supplements. (Purchased separately)
Functional Testing includes:
ALCAT Food Sensitivity Test
Individual pricing to be discussed during free 15 minute discovery call with Healthier’s gut repair health coach.
Optional add on to any 12-week plan:
$10 vitamin injections for the duration of the program.
Option to purchase discounted personalized supplements.
$200 4-day Food Journal Review and Macronutrient Analysis with recommendations to follow
Five coaching sessions with Kelsey, where we will examine an in-depth health history intake questionnaire, identify problems and barriers to success, and clarify personal goals.
Individualized 12-week supplement and diet protocol based on lab results.
10% Discount on recommended gut repairing supplements. (Purchased separately)
Personalized meal plan.
Functional Testing includes:
ALCAT Food Sensitivity Test
Cellular Nutrition Assays
Antioxidant capacity
Individual pricing to be discussed during free 15 minute discovery call with Healthier’s gut repair health coach.
Optional add on to any 12-week plan:
$10 vitamin injections for the duration of the program.
Option to purchase discounted personalized supplements.
$200 4-day Food Journal Review and Macronutrient Analysis with recommendations to follow
Optional Program add ons
$10 vitamin injections throughout program duration
Over the course of your 12 week gut repair program, receive a promo code for $10 vitamin injections.
4 day food journal review & Macronutrient analysis
A 4 day food journal review with macronutrient analysis, with recommendations to follow.
Option to purchase discounted personalized supplements
Following analysis, personalized supplements may be recommended as part of our protocol.
gut repair program
gut repair program
Kelsey believes in a comprehensive model of health - one that considers the patient’s individual emotional, environmental, and nutritional factors. She is passionate about utilizing nutrition to optimize wellness and is excited to support her patients on their health journey. With multiple programs offering various levels of support and options, you’ll receive one on one support and evidence based best practices.
gut repair faqs
The Gastrointestinal Microbial Assay Plus (GI MAP) is a test that measures gastrointestinal microbiota DNA from a single stool sample with quantitative polymerase chain reaction technology. We can identify microbes that may be disrupting healthy and normal microbial balance, as well as observe indications of digestion, absorption, inflammation, and immune function. Testing is the only way to know if there is a parasitic, bacterial, or fungal infection present. Objective data from this test allows us to utilize targeted nutritional therapy to minimize opportunistic bacteria, help the “good” bacteria proliferate, and calm any inflammation going on in the gut that could be affecting your health.
Increased intestinal permeability, commonly referred to as leaky gut syndrome, occurs when the tight junctions between cells of the intestinal lining are altered, enabling substances to pass through the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. This process results in food sensitivities.
When someone has a food sensitivity, the body views the food as an invader. White blood cells release chemical mediators such as cytokines and histamine that create inflammation. The test measures the release of chemical mediators in the blood and quantifies the degree of reactivity of each food and chemical, allowing us to build a highly individualized nutritional protocol.
Food sensitivities can contribute to inflammation in the body and cause myriad of symptoms, such as diarrhea, cramping, headaches, joint pain, fatigue, eczema, and dermatitis. People may have food sensitivities and not even know it. Adverse food reactions exist on a spectrum. Elimination diets are not the best way to identify these triggers because food can cause a reaction up to 72 hours after ingestion! It could also be not one food with a high sensitivity causing problems, but rather the cumulative effects of multiple low level reactive foods causing symptoms. It is best to test, not guess!
The gastrointestinal system is the main “portal” for taking in and processing nutrients, but it also serves a communication center and disease fighter. From your nervous and immune systems to your mental health and digestive function, a healthy gut plays a pivotal role in your overall well-being.
You have an upset stomach.
You feel tired more often than not.
You have trouble sleeping in general.
You are intolerant to some foods.
You have extreme food cravings, especially sugar.
You have unintentional weight gain or loss.
You are experiencing skin inflammation.
You may be experiencing headaches or migraines.
You are experiencing mood fluctuations.